
Nuclear Medicine is the study of functional imaging of physiologic processes, such as glucose metabolism, organ perfusion, biliary/gastrointestinal transit, and signaling pathways. Other areas of Radiology are primarily focused on anatomic imaging, or depicting the morphology of organs.

This website is intended for radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiology/nuclear medicine trainees, medical students, or anyone else interested in how disease processes cause anatomic and functional changes in the body.

This site is maintained by Matthew Kruse, M.D., an ABR and ABNM certified radiologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Kruse completed nuclear medicine and radiology training at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.

Case information has been changed to maintain patient anonymity. References are cited wherever applicable. Otherwise all text and images are original work.

Content of this site does not reflect the opinion/views of any institution or organization other than the author. Content cannot be guaranteed for accuracy or completion. Please use the contact form for any questions or concerns.

An educational website focused on the intersection of nuclear medicine and radiology